Top 5 Wednesday

Top 5 Wednesday – Favorite Minor Characters

Minor characters are less than a sidekick or a side character (but not in our hearts!) Everyone will have a different definition of what makes a minor vs a side character but just as an example, I’d consider Ron and Hermione side characters, while Lavender Brown, Oliver Wood, and Dean Thomas are minor characters. Results may vary so don’t get tooooo caught up in it 🙂

Samantha “Sam” Black Crow from American Gods

She’s in it for several pages, maybe a couple of chapters, but apart from that she doesn’t have a MASSIVE part to play in the entire novel. However, she does have a belter of a monologue, which I will provide for you here and it’s how she became a character deep in my heart:

Harshaw from Ruin and Rising
He kept a cat on his shoulder, FFS and was probably the most interesting of the crew Alina took with her.

Image result for harshaw ruin and rising

Nikolai Lantsov in Crooked Kingdom
MY PRINCE. Or King. My Stormhund. A cheat I’ve seen on others’ blogs so I’m doing the same. I did originally desire more from this, and more interactions between him and Kaz, but he’s my favourite King. Ever.

Sorry, Aragorn.

Image result for nikolai lantsov

Luna Lovegood in Harry Potter
I consider her to be a side character, but she didn’t get as much screen time to be honest so…. LUNA.
Image result for luna lovegood

Calla from the Raven Cycle (honourable mention to Calla in Darker Shades of Magic, you were special, girl).

Calla was acidic, no nonsense, brash and totally honest about who she was, like a female version of Ronan, and we all know how much I love Ronan. So this choice is practically a given.



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